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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Cyber Shockwave...CNN's simulated meltdown

So, like many of you I tuned into the CNN Presents program, "Cyber Shockwave" with interest. I guess my initial thought is that of disappointment and concern. The panel of experts didn't exactly leave me with that "everything is going to be Ok" feeling, quite the contrary. I guess the most disturbing thing was the notion that these leaders appeared to be ready and willing to abandon current legal statutes without regard to the precedence that these decisions could be setting. There is a reason why we haven't nationalized the telecom industry or that the 3,000 various utility providers in the country are self managed. I do agree that more could and should be done by our elected officials to ensure that our critical infrastructures are protected ...including the Internet, which I believe is an absolutely critical component of our national security. However, I don't think the federal government should be in the position to nationalize all sectors of industry with the notion that it is the only way to protect us from a cyber attack. The exercise, although somewhat unrealistic, was nonetheless thought provoking and so I must give them credit for that.

I suppose there is need for new legislation to ensure people aren't intentionally or unintentionally creating more problems by failing to patch their computers regularly, or by refusing to incorporate some level of self-imposed security protections, such as anti-virus software and the like. Maybe, the time has come to require periodic checks of laptops and PC's by a state run organization...much like the annual emissions test on vehicles.

Hey, we could all bring our computer to the local Department of Internet Access and get that annual security scan?

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